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Drive-Thru Lane Order Pickup Limitations
QSR Magazine Drive-Thru Waittime Study 2022

  Drive-Thru lane order pick up was invented several decades ago when the number of off-premises orders were not substantial. Over the years the consumer preferences changed and more than 70% of quick service restaurant orders are going thru Drive-Thru lane. Merchants are building more Drive-Thru lanes or adding more locations closer to each other at a significat initial and recurring cost without any significant reduction in waittimes or increase in order accuracy.

Sprint-Thru lockers are based on latest mobile and internet technology for parking lot order pickup that can replace Drive-Thru lane to remedy the problems identified in 'QSR Magazine' waittime reports for year 2022.
  • No matter what changes, speed and accuracy will always be 2 important keys for drive-thru metrics.
  • In 2022, the average total waittime in between entering ordering station and leaving Drive-Thru window was in between 303 - 509 seconds with 79% to 89% order accuracy.
    The total wait time from entrance to exit may be double the reported wait time.
  • The potential loss in revenue due to longer waittimes and lower order accuracies was $183,921.00 per year per location.

Drive-off factor which is estimated at 30% is also a significant factor to the potential loss in revenue and having additional locations nearby may not solve the drive-off problem.

Here is what Mr. Dan Cathy, Chairman of Chick-Fil-A said in an interview with Mr. David Allison - Editor-in-Chief, Atlanta Business Chronicle on Sep 16, 2021:

  • When one of its restaurants is covered up with business, the company has tried opening a new restaurant a mile or two down the road, hoping to keep cars from backing out into the street and causing traffic problems. "We found that doesn't solve the problem," Dan Cathy says. "It is a huge well, which makes us realize how much growth potential we still have here in the U.S. There's a big drive-off factor: We estimate about 30% of the people are driving off, driving away, because the lines are so long. So there's a lot of growth here in the U.S."
To read the full interview Click here.

Converting existing Drive-Thru lanes into a driveway or adding a driveway with multiple Sprint-Thru lockers would elimate traffic problems.

Refreshing real waittime in big screens can be a good customer service and can minimize or eliminate the number of drive-off or drive-away customers.

In addition to bringing down customer drive-off from 30% to 0% and bringing down the potential loss in revenue from $183,921.00 to $0.00, through lower waittimes and higher accuracy, MySingle Sprint-Thru Lockers can also reduce the labor cost in between $20,000.00 and $300,000.00 and above per year per location depending on the volume of business, number of drive-thru stations, ordering station setup and based on the minimum wage plus taxes and benefits of $20.00 per hour.



Drive-Thru Lane Order Pickup Limitations
Environmental Impact


According to Sierra Club, 0.7 gallons of gas is burnt for every hour a vehicle is idled.

Aproximately for every 6 visits to Drive-Thru lanes a customer may be burning 0.7 gallons of gas due to idling of vehicles.

Businesses using Sprint-Thru lockers can reduce the negative impact on the environment because the vehicle idle time will be reduced considerably.

When Drive-Thru windows are used, because of close proximity between outside and the preparation area the chances of contaminating the food is high even when drive-thru window exhaust fans known as air curtains are used.

Businesses using Sprint-Thru lockers can reduce considerably the contamination of food from idling vehicles because the idling vehicles will be far away from the food preparation area.


Drive-Thru Lane Order Pickup Limitations
City Ordinance Restrictions


City ordinances related to 3 parts of drive-thru lane as given below can vary widely from city to city:

  • Stacking Lane:
    Any lane, for example a Drive-Thru lane, leading to an ordering station, where vehicles are stacked while waiting to place an order will be a stacking lane.

    City ordinance can stipulate the minimum stacking lane length as a minimum number of vehicle length.

    • Businesses using Sprint-Thru lockers without using manual ordering stations may be exempt from restrictions related to stacking lanes, because vehicles do not routinely stack up while waiting for the service.

  • Service Lane:
    Any lane, for example a Drive-Thru lane between ordering station and pickup window, where vehicles are stacked while waiting to pickup the order will be a service lane.

    City ordinance can stipulate the minimum service lane length as a minimum number of vehicle length.

    • Businesses using Sprint-Thru lockers without using manual ordering stations may be exempt from restrictions related to service area, because menu boards and service windows are not used.

  • Escape Lane:
    Any lane that can be provided to escape from a stacking lane and/or a service lane in a Drive-Thru for the vehicles to escape and move over to exit.

    City ordinane can stipulate where to place the escape lane, if one is required.

    • Businesses using Sprint-Thru lockers with or without manual ordering stations may be exempt from restrictions related to escape lane, because vehicles do not routinely stack up while picking up the orders.

Cities may deny construction permits for building locations with Drive-Thru lane in certain areas because of traffic congestion even though the potential for huge sales is very high.
  • Businesses using Sprint-Thru lockers without manual ordering stations may be given permits to build locations in places where the permits to build locations with Drive-Thru lane are denied.

  Ordinance without Escape Lane:
Ordinance with Escape Lane:

Sprint-Thru Locker
General Description

  Consumers will never wait longer than order preparation time and will always get freshly prepared food, if the number of Drive-Thru lanes are equal or more than the number of orders prepared in a given period of time and if number of Drive-Thru lanes are equal or more than the number of customers entering the location within a given period of average order prepation time.

The order preparation time can be reduced using technologies such as prepation robots, off-premises production, just in distribution and the like but Drive-Thru lanes cannot be added because of lack of available space and high cost of building Drive-Thru lanes.

The easy solution would be to let customers use their mobile devices to place orders or sign-in to pick up already placed orders from any parking space in a parking lot at the location and let customers to pick up orders from unlimited number of pickup stations placed in the parking lot.

Sprint-Thru lockers can also be used in a multi-level buildings where order pickup lockers and order preparation area can be at different levels.

Here is how:
  • Customers would go directly, immediately upon arriving at the location, to the pickup station displayed on big screens, if the order is ready for pick up.
  • Customers can use any one of the many self-serv stations to place an order or sign-in to pick up an already placed order immediately upon arriving at the location.
  • Customers may also place orders at a manual ordering station upon arriving at the location.
  • Never a traffic jam when 'Self-Serv Ordering Station', 'Big Screens' and 'First Ready Rirst Served' technologies are used.
  • Big Screens can display specials to generate more sales.
  • Customers would always know the pickup wait time from self refreshing Big Screens.
  • Multiple self-serv sign-in and ording stations are accessable from single driveways for all customers such as mobile order customers, at location order customers, delivery persons picking up delivery orders and the like.
  • Merchants start order preparaion as soon as orders that are ready to be picked up are received.
  • Merchants leave the orders inside the locker from the order preparation area as soon as they are prepared.
  • Average order preparation time is 120 seconds
  • Average number of orders that can be prepared simultaneously is at least 4.
  • Average number of orders ready to be picked up merchants can have is not more than 4 in 120 seconds.
  • Number of order pick up lockers installed is at least 4.
  • Average wait time is 120 seconds to receive freshly prepared food.
  • Note:
    In the above example, if the number of pick up lockers are less than 4, then the average wait time will be more than 120 seconds to receive freshly prepared food. The average wait time will increase if the number of lockers decrease.
    In the above example, if the number customers entering the location is more than 4 in 120 seconds, then the average wait time will be more than 120 seconds to receive freshly prepared food.
  Since, Sprint-Thru locker technology eliminates Drive-Thru lanes and windows there will not be any stacking lane, service lane or escape lane.  
  Since, Sprint-Thru locker technology eliminates Drive-Thru lanes and windows the number of customers drive-off or drive-away can be 0.  
  Since, Sprint-Thru locker technology eliminates manual curbside deliveries, additional reduction in labor cost is possible.  
  Sprint-Thru lockers are delivered in a prefabricated and modular enclosure that can be attched to any existing window or to any opening in any building structure or to any food truck.
Since, Sprint-Thru locker technology provides the flexibility of adding or removing any number of Sprint-Thru lockers, merchants can concentrate on increasing the production and lowering the average prepation time.
Sprint-Thru lockers can be installed at 90% lower cost than Drive-thru lane with Drive-thru window.
The Sprint-Thru lockers can be installed in any parking lot to replace Drive-Thru lane using one of the following 3 methods:
  • Conveyor
  • Robot
  • Drone

Sprint-Thru Locker Details
Conveyor Or Robot Model

  Parking lots with Sprint-Thru lockers using conveyor or robot will have the following components:
  • Sprint-Thru ordering stations which are self-service ordering stations.
  • Manual ordering stations which are employee managed ordering stations.
  • Large sreens to display order status including current waittime and Sprint-Thru locker nunber.
  • Multiple Sprint-Thru locker stations attached to a driveway where multiple customers can pick up the orders simultaneously.

Follwing is a generic procedure to install Sprint-Thru lockers in any parking lot:
  • Merchants can attach the prefabricated modular enclosure with Sprint-Thru lockers to a window accessible to the preparation area.
  • If a drive-thru lane exists and has 2 lanes namely drive-thru lane and passing lane, then the merchants can do the following:
    • Change passing lane into a driveway.
    • Change drive-thru lane into multiple Sprint-Thru locker stations.
    • The Sprint-Thru locker stations will be perpendicular to driveway.
    • Each Sprint-Thru locker station will have a Sprint-Thru locker where the orders can be picked up.
    • Attach the prefabricated modular enclosure with Sprint-Thru lockers to a window accessible to the preparation area. It can be the drive-thru window that already exists.
  • If a drive-thru lane exists and has only one lane or a drive-thru lane does not exist, then the merchants can do the following:
    • If a dirve-thru lane exists change the drive-thru lane into a driveway.
    • If a dirve-thru lane does not exist use any driveway closer to the structure where the orders are prepared.
    • Use parking spaces accessible to the driveway as Sprint-Thru locker stations.
    • The Sprint-Thru locker stations will be perpendicular to driveway.
    • Each Sprint-Thru locker station will have a Sprint-Thru locker where the orders can be picked up.
    • Attach the prefabricated modular enclosure with Sprint-Thru lockers to a window accessible to the preparation area. It can be the drive-thru window that already exists.
  • Merchants can install display monitors that would display order statusus including locker number for the orders that are ready.
  • In every parking space in the parking lot merchants can install iPosters (disposable or permanent posters) that would have QR Codes for the Consumers to place Orders or to sign-in to pick up already placed orders.
  • Locker number for each order will be displayed on the display monitors and/or sent to customers electronically. Upon knowing the locker number customers would move to Locker Lane, bypass others in the Wait Lane and proceed to the specified Locker.
  • Customers still wanting to place orders thru manual ordering station can move to the manual ordering station thru manual ordering Lane and place the orders.

Since Sprint-Thru lockers are modular, any number of Sprint-Thru lockers can be added or removed quickly.

Under conveyor model, conveyors will be used where the prefabricated modular enclosure would enclose the conveyors, whereas under robot model, robots will be used where the prefabricated modular enclosure would enclose the path used by robots.

To see in detail how our Sprint-Thru lockers work for merchants and customers, view the following Video.

Sprint-Thru Locker Video:
(Parking Lot Pickup)
  Parking Lot Layout:

Self-service Ordering Stations:

Employee Managed Ordering Station:

Display Monitor:

Order Pickup Station:

Order Pickup:

Sprint-Thru Locker
Conveyor or Robot Model
Return On Investment

  Since both conveyor and robot model uses prefabricated modular enclosure, the initial cost, recurring cost, savings and Return on Investment will be same.

The initial cost, recurring cost, savings and Return on Investment would depend on many factors such as number of Sprint-Thru lockers, number of minimum orders that can be processed simultaneously and expected number of parking lot orders per day.

To get a detiled Return on Investment analysis, please Click here.


Sprint-Thru Locker Details
Drone Model

  Sprint-Thru lockers accessible by drones and customers are referred to as Sprint-Thru Done lockers

Sprint-Thru Drone lockers can be installed in unlimited number of parking spaces in any parking lot.

Parking lots with Sprint-Thru Drone lockers will have the following components:
  • Parking spaces where Sprint-Thru Done lockers are installed will also be referred to as integrated parking space.
  • Integrated parking spaces are self-service stations to place orders and pickup or sign-in to pickup already placed orders and pickup.
  • Manual ordering stations which are employee managed ordering stations.
    Customers placing manual orders can move to any integrated parking space to pick up orders.
  • Multiple integrated parking spaces can be attached to any driveway where multiple orders can be placed and picked up simultaneously.

Follwing is a generic procedure to install Sprint-Thru Drone lockers in any parking lot:
  • Merchants can attach Sprint-Thru Done lockers with or without electronic locks to any window or windows accessible to the preparation area.
  • Multiple integrated parking spaces can be attached to any driveway or a Drive-Thru lane converted into a driveway.
  • In every integrated parking space in the parking lot merchants can install iPosters (disposable or permanent posters) that would have QR Codes for the Consumers to place Orders or to sign-in to pick up already placed orders.
  • In every integrated parking space in the parking lot merchants can install a Sprint-Thru Done locker for the customers to pickup orders.

Since Sprint-Thru Drone lockers are modular, any number of Sprint-Thru Drone lockers can be added or removed quickly.

To see in detail how our Sprint-Thru Drone lockers work for merchants and customers, view the following Video.

Sprint-Thru Drone Locker Video:
(Parking Lot Pickup)
  Drone Locker Order Load:

Drone Locker Order Pickup:


Sprint-Thru Locker
Drone Model
Return On Investment

  The initial cost, recurring cost, savings and Return on Investment would depend on many factors such as number of Sprint-Thru Drone lockers, number of minimum orders that can be processed simultaneously and expected number of parking lot orders per day.

To get a detiled Return on Investment analysis, please Click here.


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